Hidden is the second novel by Emma Kavanagh and a brilliant whodunnit (so I can't say too much about it or I will spoil your fun). The story is told through a number of voices but mananges to unfold coherently with suspense and subtlety. as suspicion falls on different heads, Seemingly unconnected happenings eventually combine to form a chilling, dangerous and dramatic climax. It's a thrilling book, with believable and engaging and rounded characters in a well described setting. I really enjoyed it and am now, having finished it, suffering a book hangover. I was lucky enough to read an advance copy of it: definitely a book to look out for.
The publishers describe the book thus:-
A gunman is
stalking the wards of a local hospital. He's unidentified and dangerous, and
has to be located. Urgently.
Firearms Officer Aden McCarthy is tasked with tracking him down. Still troubled
by the shooting of a schoolboy, Aden is determined to make amends by finding
the gunman - before it's too late.
psychologist Imogen, hospital should be a place of healing and safety - both for
her, and her young niece who's been recently admitted. She's heard about the
gunman, but he has little to do with her. Or has he?
As time ticks
down, no one knows who the gunman's next target will be. But he's there. Hiding
in plain sight. Far closer than anyone thinks...
The author, Emma, has this to say about her career (so far):-
began my career a very long way from writing. I decided I wanted to be an
author when I was five (I was that kind of kid!), and spent my entire childhood
writing feverishly. But then, as I got older, something strange happened - I
started listening to advice. You know one of the worst pieces of advice ever?
Write what you know. What did I know? I was a kid. If I didn’t
know anything, surely that also meant I had nothing to write about?
know one of the other worst pieces of advice ever? Few people get to be
authors. You need a stable career.
I set about choosing a stable career and rapidly fell into psychology. It was,
in spite of the crummy advice, a love match. Psychology fascinated me then and
fascinates me now. There is nothing more interesting to me than what drives the
behaviour of my fellow humans. The problem was that, whilst I was learning
about this new world, I had lost confidence in my old one, and so set writing
aside in order to concentrate on a serious career.
did my degree (great fun!) and my Phd (not so much fun) in psychology. Which
was awesome. But I had officially run my course as a student and the time had
come for me to pick my path again.
see, in spite of all the advice, I just have never been comfortable walking the
well trodden path. Nothing appealed to me. There were no jobs that I wanted to
just walk in to. I remember telling a career advisor that I wanted to work with
people in traumatic professions and help them to understand how the psychology
of what they did affected their roles and their lives. I still remember the
look of sympathy tinged with exasperation.
pretty sure there is no such job.” she
was right.
I made one up.
began my own consultancy business training police and military units on the
psychology of critical incidents. I was twenty three, fresh from academia and
green as grass. But I immersed myself in the world of policing and took every
opportunity I could find to learn the job and learn what the challenges are. I
discovered then that if you ask people to teach you about what they do every
day, they can be extraordinarily generous. And because I was willing to learn,
people were willing to listen. So my business took off.
got to do pretty strange things. I have travelled across the UK, Europe and the
US. I have taught group of three and groups of three hundred. I have designed
live fire exercises for police firearms units. I have fired more than my fair
share of weapons. I have been involved in crisis negotiations, have run about
in muddy fields attempting to evade capture, have worked in some of the
weirdest military bases in the world and generally had way more fun than anyone
should have in work.
then one day it occurred to me, I knew things now. Which meant that maybe, just
maybe, I had something to write about.
Emma Kavanagh has worked as a police psychologist and this gives her special insight into the world of criminal minds and crime solving, which she puts to excellent use here.
The book is due for publication by Century on 23rd April 2015 in hardback (£12.99) but if you fancy a free taster, here's a
link to dip your toes in the water. Enjoy!
This post should have appeared on 6th April as part of a blog tour hosted by
CrimeThrillerGirl, but sadly a technical glitch caused me to be late to the party, for which many apologies. Thanks for the opportunity to take part - you might like to join me in tagging along the rest of the tour.