An agreeable visit to Wisconsin, to me an unfamiliar part of the USA. Marie Bostwick's descriptions of life there in Door County make it tempting to plan a visit in the real world. Life on the Lakes sounds delightful and real.
If you've had a very unhappy upbringing and have left behind your home town as soon as you can, what will it take to make you go back? How truly satisfying is a life and career which give you no opportunities to sleep more than a few hours a night, make friends, or develop hobbies? What will it take to make you visit your sister, in whose shadow you grew up in and who now makes you feel guilty? These are the issues facing our heroine, Lucy Toomey, who has to make some choices and chooses to learn some patchwork and quilting on the way.
This is an enjoyable book by an author I've not encountered previously. It is a story of family, community, values, creativity and love and well worth choosing for a satisfying read.