Friday, May 20, 2011

Visiting my Deutzia

When we first moved to our house, this shrub was in the front garden. We liked it very much, but it did not fit in with our plans for the little piece of land. Eventually, we dug it up and, with fingers crossed, replanted it by the back fence. I'm glad to say that it took, grew and thrived, and gladdens my heart every year when it bursts into a white froth of springtime flower. I think it is some kind of Deutzia, but would love to know more about it if anyone can tell me.

This year, bring in the right place at the right time in the right weather has allowed me a closer look at this lovely plant.

Much as I love it, I did not realise it had other fans.

The bees have been buzzing contentedly among the flowers, foraging away.

Their industry and concentration between the frills and folds of the flowers reminds me of the dress designer arranging the dress at a certain big wedding in this country!

I'm glad to have captured these images to return to and enjoy once the flowers are over for another year.


Willow said...

Lovely! I've never seen this bush before (at least I don't think so) but it's beautiful.

Nick said...

Good reaading this post